You searched for. 227 results are listed below over 23 pages:
This fresh seafood and spicy chorizo paella cooked with a rich tomato and basil sauce makes a perfect one-pot dinner to share alfresco.
These delicious fish cakes have a secret molten fondant of creamy French goat's cheese in the middle, so no need to serve with a sauce!
Ready in just 20 minutes, the flavours of this fish are beautifully enhanced with the fennel and coriander
If you love seafood, you'll adore this fabulous fish lasagne. Use fresh fish from the counter, or make the most of convenient packs of mixed frozen seafood to make it easy for you
Prawn or lobster, a bisque is always a delicious treat. Creamy, fishy, and warming, just make sure you've got some fresh crusty bread ready to serve
Tender salmon and cod, with sweetcorn, cheese and spring onions, this fish pie will live up to its name and soon become a firm family favourite
Atul is the only Indian chef to have two Michelin stars in the UK and is the head chef at the world renowned Benares restaurant, in London.
Lemon perfectly complements salmon so you might just have found your perfect tart recipe!
Celebrity chef and restaurateur Mitch Tonks is an expert in fish, so who better to devise the best prawn cocktail recipe?
Even when the sun doesn't always shine this tasty, zingy very easy to make Australian recipe will make it seem like it does.
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