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Picnic recipes in Meat & poultry

You searched for. 3 results are listed below over 1 pages:

Rustic ham sandwich

Rustic ham sandwich

A simple but delicious higher welfare ham sandwich.

Mustard sausage rolls

Mustard sausage rolls

A mouth-watering classic with a mustard kick, using higher welfare ingredients

Beefy picnic bites with parsley pesto

Beefy picnic bites with parsley pesto

A hearty and tasty option for a picnic, perfect served with a crisp salad

New on Secret Sauce

  • Chocolate dipped strawberries Chocolate dipped strawberries
    Viva strawberries and chocolate are a match made in heaven and make a delicious treat and a healthier alternative to a bar of chocolate.
    15th Mar 2015 at 1:55pm in cakes & desserts
  • Fenland celery, herb & bacon parcels
    Fenland celery tastes delicious when roasted. Cooking it in little parcels keeps all the flavours and lovely juices in. Try this easy recipe for family suppers, children love anything wrapped up!
    15th Mar 2015 at 1:55pm in meat & poultry
  • Strawberry & almond macaroons
    Macaroons are the perfect dessert to follow a romantic dinner - the perfect treat!
    10th Feb 2015 at 8:41pm in cakes & desserts

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